Exercise helps you de-stress, keeps you fit, builds muscle, and helps prevent a range of physical ailments. Exercise is something that should be on your ‘to do’ list every day. And if you needed one more reason to get your sweat on, here it is.
Exercise also keeps your skin healthy!
Did you know that your skin is actually the largest organ in your body?
Making sure your skin is in tip top shape requires an holistic approach. Eat healthy foods, live a healthy lifestyle, protect your skin from the sun, and EXERCISE!
Exercising helps increase blood flow in your body which helps keep skin cells nourished with essential nutrients. It also helps carry away waste products and free radicals from your cells.
Some skin conditions are exacerbated by stress including acne and eczema. Exercise helps to reduce stress, and therefore also helps prevent and treat these conditions.
There you go – no more excuses! Get exercising TODAY.